Bailey Parker had a heart too big for this world. He carried love in his bones, laughter in his veins, and kindness in his every step. He never needed an excuse to make someone smile—it was just who he was. A simple joke, a teasing nudge, a ridiculous face at just the right moment—he lived for the joy of others, even when his own heart carried more than it should have.

He was the kind of person who left fingerprints on your soul, who made the ordinary feel special just by being there. He tried to act tough sometimes, but those who knew him best saw the truth—he was all heart. His mother knew, no matter how old he got, he’d always be her boy. No act of bravado, no tough exterior, could ever change that. And he knew she’d always be there. Through everything.

If time could be rewound, his family knows exactly what they would do. The last time they saw him, they would have held on longer. They would have hugged him tighter. They would have begged him to stay. Because the world without Bailey is a little quieter, a little emptier, missing that spark that only he could bring.

And yet, he is still here—in the stories, in the laughter that refuses to be silenced, in the echoes of his voice mispronouncing helicopter as “hollycocker” just to make his mom laugh. He is everywhere they look, in the smallest, most unexpected moments, reminding them that love like his doesn’t disappear.

Bailey was loved. More than he ever realized. He is loved. More than words can ever hold.

And he always, always will be.

February 23, 1999 – September 25, 2021
Lima, Ohio