Cassandra Drew Polman was a tapestry of beauty, strength, and love—a soul so radiant it left echoes of light in every heart she touched. She walked through life with an open heart and a fearless spirit, her presence like the warmth of the sun on a crisp autumn day, both comforting and invigorating.

As a preschool teacher, Cassandra gave the kind of love that could nurture a young spirit and change a life. Every child she met became a part of her heart, and her classroom wasn’t just a space—it was a sanctuary of kindness, laughter, and possibility.

To her father, she was his “Boo Bear,” the little girl who filled his life with pride. To her mother, she was more than a daughter—she was her best friend, her confidant, her soul’s mirror. Their bond was unbreakable, a connection woven from laughter, shared secrets, and unconditional love. And with her grandmother Kitty, she shared a tenderness so deep it was as if their hearts beat in rhythm.

Cassandra was a free spirit, living life with a fire that could not be tamed. She found joy in the simple yet extraordinary moments—driving with the windows down, music turned up, the wind rushing through her hair. The ocean called to her soul, the beach a place where she could breathe and simply be.

Her creative spark ignited in the studio, where she poured her heart into music, shaping and directing art that spoke her truth. With her bold red lips and perfect brows, Cassandra carried herself with a confidence that was equal parts strength and grace. She was feisty, unapologetic, and authentic—she didn’t just tell you where she stood; she invited you to stand alongside her.

Her friends were her chosen family, and she loved them fiercely. Her laughter was contagious, her love unyielding, and her presence unforgettable. She brought light to every room, and her joy had a way of weaving itself into the lives of those she cared for.

Cassandra was, and always will be, a genuine and beautiful soul, a light that continues to shine in the hearts of those who love her.

Rest peacefully, Cassandra. You are the waves on the shore, the laughter in the wind, and the warmth in every sunrise. You are deeply missed, endlessly loved, and forever remembered.

September 21, 1995 – October 9, 2021