This is direct from his family:

“"Tomasso's smile could light up a room, and his laughter was contagious. With a heart of gold, he had a gift for making everyone feel seen and loved. At just 25 years young, his life was tragically cut short by a single, unsuspecting decision.

Unbeknownst to him, the pill he took was laced with fentanyl, a silent killer that stole his future. What's even more heartbreaking is that Tomasso was murdered by the person who gave him that pill, taking advantage of his trust. Eight and a half agonizing days on life support were a testament to his family's unwavering love and support. Though his body was broken, his spirit remained unshaken. Surrounded by loved ones, Tomasso slipped away 36 hours after being transitioned to comfort care, leaving behind a void that can never be filled.

Tomasso's generosity and kindness inspired countless lives. He was the first to offer a helping hand, even when he had little to give. His sharp wit and sarcasm could diffuse any tense moment, and his love for his family was unparalleled.

To so many, Tomasso was more than just a loved one - he was a son, brother, grandson, great-grandson, uncle, nephew, cousin, godfather, and friend to many. But what defined Tomasso most was his unwavering commitment to protecting those he loved. He fancied himself the family protector, and he took that role very seriously. Tomasso always put himself between us and harm's way, ensuring our safety and well-being above his own. His selflessness and bravery inspired us all to be stronger, kinder, and more compassionate.

Though Tomasso's life was senselessly taken, his memory will continue to inspire us. Our family is currently fighting for the justice Tomasso deserves, and we won't rest until accountability is served. We will honor his legacy by continuing to spread love, kindness, and awareness about the dangers of fentanyl poisoning.

As we navigate the darkness of his absence, we find solace in the memories of Tomasso's bright smile and infectious laughter. We will carry his love, light, and legacy with us forever, and we will continue to fight for justice in his name. Rest in peace, dear Tomasso."

Tomasso's impact is eternal, leaving behind a legacy of kindness, courage, and love that will forever remain in the hearts of all who knew him.

July 9, 1998 – February 28, 2024
Pottsville, Pennsylvania