William "Gage" Morris, affectionately known as Bubba, Bubby, Bubs, and Gager’s, was a bright light in the lives of everyone who knew him. Handsome, funny, loving, and strong, Gage was the definition of a momma’s boy, cherished as the only son and “baby boy” of his family.

Gage had a love for music, singing, spending time with family and friends, animals of all kinds, and playing video games. His humor was unmatched, especially when he’d dive into one of his stories, sprinkling in his trademark "yadda yadda yadda." Gage had a playful confidence, often joking, This is my world, y’all are just in it. That spirit inspired his family to create the group Gage's World Not One More in his honor—a testament to their love and their fight for justice and change in his memory.

Gage’s presence was larger than life, and his absence leaves an unfillable void. His family and friends will forever miss his smile, his humor, and the way he made every moment brighter simply by being himself.

Rest easy, Gage. You are deeply loved, deeply missed, and forever in the hearts of those who knew you.

December 12, 2001 – July 25, 2024
Bloomington, Illinois